How To Make Your Life G.E.L.
By Bob Alexander

Keynote summary:
In our hurry-up, get-it-done-yesterday society, we often find our businesses and ourselves "stretched" and "stressed" in many directions. Why? Because we don't have a vision for the future, a mission statement that will help get us there, and the personal qualities that are needed in order for us to achieve high levels of success. In this educational, humorous, and high-energy presentation, Bob will share with us the qualities all successful people possess.

What you will learn:
  • The difference between a vision statement and a mission statement
  • Why it is important to have a "stated" set of core values in your life
  • Why enthusiasm is the key to a successful life
  • The reasons customers leave a business, and how you can prevent it from happening to you
  • The biggest reason people and businesses fail
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Style Segments
  Music + Multiple Classes = More Business
By Master Apolo Ladra

Segment summary:
This segment will be conducted as an actual class, where attendees will participate in a multiple-classroom situation in which kickboxing, Karate and self-defense are taught simultaneously. Master Apolo will discuss the importance of staff scheduling, staff dynamics and student issues that result from handling multiple classes, as well as the potential derived profits.

What you will learn:

  • Increasing profitability by holding multiple classes on one floor
  • Integrating music to benefit the entire studio
  • Overcoming problems with distraction
  • How to schedule multiple classes (staff requirements)
  • How multiple classes benefit students
  • How to organize classes
  Who should attend:
Owners or Program Directors interested in creating a higher cash flow by adding different classes, while avoiding scheduling conflicts. Also, schools that want to maximize profitability without adding space and schools with stagnant enrollment rates.
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Progressive Grappling Techniques
By Mike Swain

Segment summary:
Mike Swain, 4-time Judo Olympian and Olympic coach, will explore methods for complementing your curriculum with simple throwing and grappling drills and lessons. Swain will teach two seminars, the first specifically focused on instruction for children and the grappling games that emphasize necessary skills, and the second especially geared towards adults and cardiovascular training that showcases simple basic Judo movements.

What you will learn:
Children's Segment
  • Safe and fun Judo/grappling drills to add to your curriculum
  • Basic hold-downs and escapes for kids
  • Standing/throwing movements and drills to help children's coordination
  Adults' Segment
  • Fundamentals of grappling techniques, with emphasis on new teaching ideas
  • Standing/throwing drills to add to your cardio workouts
  • How to set up your grappling program
  Who should attend:
Owners or Program Directors looking for something different and new to add to the curriculum

Secrets to Precision Kicking:
Strength and Flexibility
By Bill "Super Foot" Wallace

Segment summary:
Learn how to diversify your flexibility exercises by making small modifications and creating new and unique stretches. By building strength and flexibility through a diversified workout, you will achieve better performance in everything you do.

What you will learn:
  • Isolating muscle groups for flexibility
  • Specific exercises for muscle groups to work flexibility and agility
  • The mechanics of flexibility and how to teach your muscles to relax
  • Isolating muscle groups for sports-specific and strengthening exercises
  • Simple kicking techniques that build strength and speed
  • Different aspects of balance and other issues in strength training
  • Muscular endurance with sports-specific exercise
  • Agility in hips using sports-specific exercise
  • Endurance-specific exercise for cardio and cardio-muscular purposes
  • Martial arts techniques to help with agility and self-confidence
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Sport-Specific Training for Martial Arts and Creating
Progressive Programming with Resistance Bands

By Katalin Rodriguez Zamiar

Segment summary:
This class will teach martial arts instructors and school owners how to use resistance bands in their martial arts fitness classes and cardio programs. The value of these bands will be highlighted, as well as an examination of how they can increase student retention, increase revenues, improve overall skills and decrease liabilities. The information provided in this lecture has been featured in Black Belt and Combat Fitness magazines. Furthermore, ready-to-use programs using these bands will be provided when participants return to their schools the following week.

What you will learn:
  • Basics on the utility of resistance bands
  • How to incorporate resistant bands into martial arts-based classes
  • Expose participants to new fitness-based programs that maintain the integrity of the martial arts
  • Integrate sports-specific exercises that improve student skills and decrease injuries
  • Teach martial arts instructors and school owners new fitness concepts, and ways to increase revenues and retain students
  • Experience firsthand how band training can intensify every aspect of your workout
  • Demonstrate a high-energy class that follows music and excites the fitness enthusiast and martial artist
  • Demonstrate how resistance bands can be incorporated into a martial arts conditioning class and a basic exercise class
  Who should attend:
Owners and Program Directors looking for new techniques to introduce in their martial arts and cardio programming.

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Classical and Effective Knife and Short-Stick Training,
Hanbo and Tanto

By Renshi Allie Alberigo

Segment summary:
This will be an actual class where attendees participate in a classroom session, as taught in the L.I. Ninjutsu Centers, which showcases a combination of weapons techniques taught by Renshi Allie Alberigo. These techniques are ideal to add to your curriculum or just for additional training. This is a segment not to be missed!

What you will learn:
  • Hanbo Jutsu, the art of the 3-foot staff, as taught in Japan by the world-renowned master, Shoto Tanemrura
  • Tanto Jutsu, the art of the knife, classical and street survival for the martial artist
  • Overcoming problems with distraction
  • How to organize classes
  Who should attend:
Owners or Program Directors, as well as students and staff.

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The CDT Seminar:
The Family That Trains Together Remains Together

By Tom Patire

Segment summary:
This seminar will demonstrate how and why CDT is a much-needed program that should be added to every school curriculum. CDT's trademarked and patent-pending Family Protection Course will open a whole new market, which focuses on teaching families how to deal with situations that involve acts of violence towards family members. In the past two years, CDT has generated thousands of dollars in extra income for over 300 schools. Their trademarked saying is: "The family that trains together, remains together."

What you will learn:
  • Liability concerns regarding what you are or are not teaching
  • The theory of Family Protection
  • Profitability through CDT
  • CDT's course structure
  • CDT's licensing
  • CDT's new student market
  • CDT's guarantee
  Who should attend:
School owners concerned about personal safety and full-circle liability, not only for themselves, but for their present and future students.

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Combat Hapkido
By Grandmaster John Pellegrini

Segment summary:
This segment will be a hands-on session where attendees participate in drills and receive actual instruction in Hapkido joint locking, pressure points and take-down techniques. Grandmaster Pellegrini will demonstrate how to teach a Combat Hapkido class, and also discuss the importance of a safe teaching methodology for self-defense instruction. He will also address the concerns of specific student groups about age, gender, physical abilities and the special needs of law enforcement professions.

What you will learn:
  • Coordination and re-direction in closequarter drills
  • Simple and effective controlling techniques
  • Legal issues of self-defense
  • How to attract the adult market
  • Using the Combat Hapkido program as a retention tool
  • Introducing a second program alongside the primary art taught in the school
  Who should attend:
Martial arts instructors interested in expanding their knowledge and skills, and school owners interested in offering a new program and improving retention.

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Start in High Gear
By Michael Margolin

Segment summary:
Forget coffee, and energize at Krav Maga's fast-paced morning workout, a high-energy fitness program that incorporates cardio, resistance bands, and other equipment into an hour-long routine. Krav Maga Fitness has been called "the best workout in Los Angeles" and has been featured in Cosmo, Shape, Women's Health, Men's Fitness, and other top magazines. It is also the subject of an upcoming nationwide infomercial. So, come dressed to train and ready to sweat!

What you will learn:
  • New cardio routines
  • New strength-training exercises
  • Just how fit you are!
  Who should attend:
Fitness instructors interested in expanding their routines, and anyone interested in starting the day with a great workout.

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Grow Your Adult Business
By John Whitman

Segment summary:
This segment will be a hands-on demonstration of training methods and presentation styles proven to attract adult membership. It will cover specific self-defense techniques presented in the dynamic, reality-based training style that has allowed Krav Maga to grow into a 1,700-member Los Angeles facility, with 30-plus programs nationwide. You will learn an approach to creative training methods that will apply to street self-defense, give your adult students a workout, and entertain them enough to keep them coming back for more!

What you will learn:
  • Practical self-defense techniques
  • Training methods to test and apply techniques safely, but under stress and fatigue
  • Teaching methods to attract and retain adult members
Who should attend:
School owners who want to grow their adult market, instructors and school owners looking for innovative teaching and training methods andinstructors interested in learning new and practical self-defense techniques.

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Business Segments

  The Untapped Profit Center - Turning Your School
into a Retail Sales Outlet

By Paul Revlin

Segment summary:
Retailing can be an asset instead of a task, and this class will cover methods for increasing the profitability of your retail sales operations. Learn how to train your existing staff to maximize profitability with simple sales and merchandising concepts and techniques, and hear solutions to many of the obstacles often experienced by school and gym owners.

What you will learn:
  • How to make your merchandising efforts more profitable
  • Improving sales to your existing customer base
  • Maximizing your merchandising revenue with limited floor space
  • Running a pro shop on a limited budget
  • Using holidays and special events as a merchandising tool
  • How to avoid losing retail sales to competitors
  • Expanding sales beyond your existing customer base
  Who should attend:
School or gym owners, managers, or senior instructors interested in making merchandising a profit center for your facility.

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Merchandising: Opportunities and Implementation
By David Wahl

Segment summary:
This seminar is a "tell it like it is" discussion of where profits are to be found for the typical martial arts school when it comes to retailing martial arts products. It will focus on where the major retailing opportunities are, exploiting them immediately and the costs to do so.

What you will learn:
  • Where the biggest opportunities are
  • How merchandising and programming work together
  • Why the classroom is your showroom
  • The importance of visual merchandising
  • How homework drills can help pay the bills
  • Why special classes lead to special sales
  • The importance of record keeping
  • Merchandising tips
Who should attend:
Anyone whose school is generating less than 25% of its revenues from product sales.

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Management/Technology Segments
  "You Gotta Walk the Walk" Leadership Development
By Bob Alexander

*This special luncheon is an additional cost $100. Participant must be pre-registered.

Segment summary:
Trust is the most important element in leadership, and without it, businesses fail. If you want to be trusted, you must trust others, and one of the biggest factors in earning the trust of others is to be the kind of leader who trusts. Good leaders trust those above them, and they also trust the people who have been placed in their care. People expect their leaders to do what they say they will do.

What you will learn:
  • How trust is earned
  • 4 critical things that must be done to justify the trust of others
  • 3 things about the nature of truth
  • How the truth is always the truth, whether you believe it or not
  • 5 ways a leader can continue to grow
  Who should attend:
If you are interested in leading instead of managing, then this roundtable discussion is definitely for you. This interactive and intimate luncheon is limited to 40 people, so book now.

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"So,What Do You Expect?" Staff Development
By Bob Alexander

Segment summary:
We usually get from others exactly what we expect to get! We treat people the way we see them. But the ironic thing is the way we treat others, and the expectations that we set, often influences the way they behave--the way they act. The bottom line is that you have to be conscious of what expectations you have set. It is clear that our expectations influence our behavior, as well as the behavior of others. If you ever wonder why some leaders can get ordinary people to do extraordinary things, then you will not want to miss this session.

What you will learn:
  • Why it is impossible to rise above your expectations
  • The great lessons taught by the "flea trainers" of the world
  • The greatest detriment to achieving excellence
  • Why every human conflict has its origins in some unmet expectation
  • Why expectations, attitudes, and performance go hand-in-hand.
  Who should attend:
School owners who are interested in developing their staff or Program Directors who need to hone their management skills.

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Implementing the "I CAN" Character Curriculum
By Bob Alexander

Segment summary:
"I CAN"…two powerful words that inspire our confidence, serve as a testament to our determination to succeed, and reflect a desire to be our very best. That's why thousands of educators, parents, leaders of youth-serving organizations, and martial artists are excited about Zig Ziglar's "I CAN" program. Through "I CAN," they're not only teaching the ABCs of education, but, more importantly, the ABCs of life-- attitude, behavior, and character. If you are interested in teaching a program to your students that will help increase enrollment, the "I CAN" Character Curriculum is for you.

What you will learn:
  • The philosophy of the "I CAN" program, and why the principles are timeless
  • Why parents will want their children enrolled in your school
  • The rewards gained by teaching these principles
  • How to implement the "I CAN" program in your school
  • How to teach these lessons--even in 90 seconds
  Who should attend:
Individuals who have purchased or are interested in purchasing the "I CAN" program.

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Big Profits for a Small School Multiple Profit Centers,
Creative Strategies and a Higher Than Average Bottom Line

By Brett Lechtenberg

Segment summary:
In small towns-or areas that suffer from socio-economic distress-it can be a challenge to find enough business to support a Martial Arts' school. But, by having multiple profit centers and with a little creativity, owners can better position themselves to become a profit making entity. Master Lechtenberg will focus on marketing multiple profit centers and the importance of developing relationships with students and family members to encourage parents and siblings to buy memberships, and to reinforce rebuying and retention.

What you will learn:
  • Theories on multiple profit centers
  • How to get more parent involvement in your school
  • How to use curriculum check off sheets for keeping students on track with techniques, attendance, and motivation
  • How to raise the prestige of belt promotions
  • Adding curriculum to challenge black belts
  • Using lessons of the week/month in the class room
  • Developing closer relationships with your students for longer retention
  • The importance of using resources so you don't do it all
  • How to develop a "black belt and beyond" attitude in your students
  Who should attend:
School owners who are struggling to make ends meet and want to further family participation and the feeling of a family environment in their schools.

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Preventing Dropouts-- 10 Steps To Keeping
Your Students Coming Back For More!

By Master Lou Marvil

Segment summary:
It's easy to attract students, but extremely difficult to keep them. This seminar will explore techniques for motivating your students, therefore reducing your dropout rate. Learn why body language is important, as well as varying your basic drills-a strategy that Master Marvil calls "Disguised Repetition Drills." Commit yourself to reaffirming your students' progress in the 1-minute office chat, and review methods for recognizing progress and excellence in your students.

What you will learn:
  • 3 types of motivation
  • 5 key areas for keeping your students focused
  • Proper planning for high-interest/high-energy classes
  • Using body language and voice inflection to create excitement
  • The 4-week progress cycle
  • Disguised repetition drills
  • Fun training drills for kids and adults
  • Learn the 1-minute office chat
  • 8 ways to recognize progress and excellence
  • Using lessons of the week to resell the benefits of your program.
  Who should attend:
This segment is specifically tailored for those who have day-to-day contact with students in an instructional role. This is an excellent opportunity for both instructors-in-training and veteran masters looking to refresh their teaching techniques.

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Black Belt And The Life After
By Randy Reid

Segment summary:
In this segment, President Randy Reid will share the philosophy that has allowed him to develop Karate America into one of the largest martial arts companies in the U.S., and will offer many of the experiences he has had over his 30 years in the industry. He will discuss how Karate America schools have been able to promote and manage a rigorous black-belt testing schedule that fosters over 400 black belts each year. Randy will be assisted by Bob Cravens, co-owner and Chief Instructor at one of the company's leading schools (located in Madison, Wisconsin), which boasts an average of 82 registered black belts attending classes on a regular basis.

What you will learn:
  • New approaches to testing
  • Black belt curriculum
  • How to choreograph graduation ceremonies
  • Staffing issues for testing and graduation events
  • How Karate America is able to promote 400 black belts a year
  • Motivation and retention techniques that keep 75-100 black belts in class weekly at one school
  • Viewing of a short tape of a graduation with 125 candidates
  • Requirements for establishing a successful black-belt program
  Who should attend:
Karate schools hoping to improve their black-belt program and hone their testing and graduation procedures, or those looking to produce quality graduation ceremonies.

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"It's Lonely at the Top"-- Managing Multiple Locations
by Mike Parrella

Segment summary:
When instructors make the decision to open their own school they usually assume multiple responsibilities including those of instructor, receptionist, bookkeeper, marketer and office manager. But, when taking the leap and opening a second, third or forth location, it is essential that owners assume the role of a manager--the Chief Executive Officer--to achieve smooth operational flow and maximize profitability. However, changing your mindset can be difficult--and sometimes, downright painful. Master Parrella will address the importance of making the transition from "wearing different hats" to being a CEO, and will present ideas on how to successfully manage your organization.

What you will learn:
  • What it means to work outside of the box--making the move from instructor to manager
  • Your role as organizational developer
  • How to distinguish yourself as a General Manager, Office Manager, Instructor, Marketing and Advertising Director, and New Program Developer
  • Effective usage of public relations
  • Evolving your accounting systems
  • Staff training and development
  • The importance of motivation / empowerment
  • How to run staff meetings-the importance of agendas
  Who should attend:
This seminar is designed for owners who are looking to expand their managerial horizons and either seek to open an additional location or already operate multiple schools.

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Mastering Business Design
Do You Run Your Business As A Specialist, Or Are You The Designer?

By Master Todd Taylor

Segment summary:
Master Taylor will help school owners and program directors see how the advantages of running their businesses as designers instead of specialists can make all the difference in the world. He will discuss everything from start-up and growth to plateaus.

What you will learn:
You will learn to determine whether or not you run your business from the "zone of personal control"--and how it can actually be your downfall-- and will be urged to assess the following:
  • Do you wear too many hats?
  • Is there a lack of control in your business?
  • Why aren't your employees dedicated?
  • How is your cash flow?
  • Do you lack personal time?
  This segment will show you--as a designer--how to start and implement the following:
  • Plan each part of your business so that it runs as a whole
  • Look at franchise development--"a model for success"
  • The effectiveness of a "system,"
                  ~Accounts Payable,

  • Building the Foundation
                  ~Blueprint - Strategic Planning - Business-Plan Writing;
                  ~Performance Gap Analysis;
                  ~Marketing Plan;
                  ~Business Operating Systems;
                  ~Organization Procedures;
                  ~Continuous Improvement;
                  ~Test, Measure, Implement;
                  ~Personnel Management;
                  ~Promotions and Advertising;
                  ~Business Communications Systems;
                  ~Personal Selling Systems;
                  ~Financial Management;
                  ~Leadership and Motivation;
                  ~Developing Followers, Developing Leaders

Who should attend:
If you are concerned with the issues listed above.

Wrap-up Session

  Rape Prevention
by Kathy Long

Segment summary:
In a violent situation, commitment is the key to survival. And, for some, committing to act when assaulted or threatened can mean the difference between life and death. But knowledge is a vital part of an individual's ability to make this commitment and to act, when required.

In this, the closing segment of PowerQuest 2001, Kathy Long will share simple, practical and effective movements to what she considers are the three most responsive body parts: the eyes, windpipe and groin. This interactive, hands-on segment will focus primarily on how to strike these critical targets from a variety of different assault angles. Ms. Long says the primary benefit she delivers in her seminars is heightened knowledge gained through simplicity and by understanding the importance of commitment.

What you will learn:
  • How to be aware of your surroundings
  • Assessing your situation
  • Confrontation avoidance
  • Evading attack
  • How not to be a victim
  • Why commitment and accuracy are a vital part of surviving an attack
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Nutrition - The Greatest Untapped Profit Center
For Martial Arts Schools

By Mark Glazier

Segment Summary:
If you're looking to add additional income to your school then this seminar is a must. Mark Glazier, president of NutraBiotics, will show you how to incorporate nutritional supplements into a successful new profit center. Thousands of Martial Arts instructors and fitness professionals are now using this proven program to add thousands of dollars of income to their schools.

Statistics show that nine out of ten Americans now take nutritional supplements and that workout enthusiasts, like your students, will spend an average of $125 per month on supplements. Statistics also show that ninety percent of students will purchase supplements recommended by their instructors. This seminar will show you how to tap into this undeveloped resource and bring financial success to your school and greater results to your students.

What you will learn:
  • How to implement a profitable nutrition program into your school - with little or no investment or risk.
  • How to use nutritional supplements to build a long-term annuity
  • How to double student-value in your school
  • How to earn income from students long after they've left your school
  • Why most schools fail with nutrition pro-shops and the key steps that will guarantee that your program succeeds
  • How to build your nutrition program without inventory or costs
  • How supplements can improve your student's performance while driving referrals into your school.
  • How one multi-school organization earned over $350,000 in revenue in their first year.
Who should attend:
Anyone interested in building the financial success of his or her school or martial arts career - from part time instructors to multi-facility organizations. (This seminar is built on sound business practices and is no way related to multi-level or network marketing schemes.)

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