When it comes to professional mentors APS has one of the best on hand -
Renshi Allie Alberigo, heads up the APS consulting division, and is
available to review the unique business needs of APS clients. No matter
what developmental stage you are at within your school, we are here to
help you tap into the very skills that will take you to the next level.
We can share with you the ideas, winning strategies, insights and even
pitfalls that will help or hinder you from creating unlimited potential
and give you what it takes to reach the next stage in your career.
Renshi Alberigo shares his expertise with APS clients in weekly consulting
emails and live Monthly Tele-conferences.
Allie Alberigo has been a practicing martial artist and successful business
owner for most of his life. Renshi Alberigo began training in the martial arts
at the age of 3 and has been teaching professionally since 1982. Currently,
he owns and operates Long Island Ninjutsu Centers in New York, Costa Rica and
Bermuda. Renshi Alberigo's schools have flourished for over a decade, and
boast over 1000 students within the United States alone.