Add Value
To the unwitting consumer, there is no differentiation
between the Karate studio on Main Street
and the school you own. But, we know that
all studios are not created equal! In the
continuing quest to differentiate
our schools from the competition, APS has
invested in a one-of-a-kind newsletter for
children titled "BoardBreaker-Kids" and
has spent time developing relationships
with unique product manufacturers to help
you add value to
your school.
This newsletter has been specifically
designed for children aged 5 to 12. It's
sometimes difficult for us (as adults) to
realize how difficult it is for the youngster
to grasp traditional martial arts theory.
In BoardBreaker-Kids, concepts important
to the martial arts are approached through
story telling and activity.
BoardBreaker-Kids has been specifically
designed to help you differentiate your
school from the rest: maximize the effectiveness
of this product by encouraging children
to participate in writing about monthly
themes and coloring the characters. Post
children's work in a public area where kids
can proudly point out their work to visiting
family and friends. And point out the effort
to parents, who will be impressed that you
are as interested in their child's academic
education as you are their physical education.
Add extra pages to create a customized newsletter!
Print stories about a "Student of the Month,"
or kids that have recently been promoted.
And keep parents in the know by publishing
a school schedule. Don't have time to customize
the newsletter yourself? Rely on the APS
marketing team to affordably and efficiently
customize it for you. But, remember, this
service is for APS
clients only!
Product Discounts
Even though you are diligent in adding value
to your services, you will quickly realize
that to keep the edge on the competition,
you must continue to add new products and
services. In essence, you must continually
remake yourself or risk the threat of being
overwhelmed by your competition. Once again,
APS has taken this fact into consideration
and has entered into special alliances with
various product manufacturers and service
providers to help our schools integrate
new, leading-edge products at discounted
Talk to a member
of the APS sales team for specific information:
800 277 4407.