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Billing and Software Specials

Online  |  Email Alerts  |  On Demand  |  MartialSoft

Top industry consultants will tell you that in order to be successful you need to keep your finger on the pulse of your business. And what better way to do this than with comprehensive business analysis from APS, the market leader.

Need to know the instant a customer payment bounces, a student tries to cancel or a membership is about to expire? With APS you will enjoy an abundance of member saving information. Online reports, "live" up-to-the-minute financial information and critical account alerts emailed to your inbox are just a few of the ways APS keeps you in touch and on top of your game.
Online   Top
By logging onto our secure online billing portal at www.apsbilling.com, you gain immediate access to a wealth of real-time customer information. Easily look up customer records, payments, notes, calls or letters. Leave a note for the APS customer service team, report a direct payment or even modify billing on an account in seconds.
APS reports are conveniently grouped into 4 categories - Financial, Member, Servicing and Activity. Reports may be viewed on screen, printed or downloaded to Microsoft Excel - even mailing labels are available with the click of a button. Choose various sorting, grouping and selection criteria to access just the information you want the way you want it.

Although we have reports for virtually every occasion - like birthday lists or financial projections - if there's something you don't see, all you have to do is ask. With your help, our in-house development team will design and launch the report you need often in a matter of days. While information is conveniently available 24 x 7, the APS customer service team is ready to serve you from 9 AM until 9 PM most weekdays. Answers to questions from you, your staff or your customers are just a TOLL FREE phone call away!
Instant Email Alerts   Top
APS Alerts deliver important information directly to your email in-box. Why wait for critical account information or worry about tracking it down? APS will instantly alert you to a variety of different important pieces of information, including: returned payments, bad addresses, confirmation of direct payment, and declined credit cards! The comprehensive account information that APS provides gives you every opportunity to prevent costly cash-flow disruption and to stay on top of challenges as they take place!
On Demand [Coming 2nd Quarter 2004]      Top
We live in an increasingly on-demand-world. Time is a finite and precious resource. That is why APS clients will soon enjoy an exclusive new service - APS Reports On Demand. This FREE scheduling service offers automatic delivery of key reports via email. Imagine the convenience of receiving delinquency information in your email inbox before each staff meeting! With On Demand you'll get what you need when you need it.

And when combined with MartialSoft and Data-X-Change, APS will soon be able to provide comprehensive On Demand reporting of missed attendance or students ready to test.
MartialSoft   Top
Getting a handle on your business begins with comprehensive statistical analysis. That's why MartialSoft offers multiple ways to track, summarize and analyze virtually every area of your school.

End of Day Summary - MartialSoft offers a unique way to store critical end of day information - cash on hand, equipment inventory, sales, prospects, trials, special events, billing and contracts. Save this information into MartialSoft each day and retrieve a summary by week, month, year or date range in minutes.

Statistical Analysis - MartialSoft offers statistical reporting in 5 major areas: Attendance, Demographics, Revenue, Marketing and Calendar. Select from nearly 30 different reports and charts.

Reports - The MartialSoft reporting section offers custom reports by group. Create a group such as "Active Students" and run that group against well over 40 student based reports. These include attendance, promotions, mailing labels, account lists, class rosters and employee sales to name but a few.